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Do you know what makes a snake plant such an interesting choice for your home garden? Not only is it easy to take care of, but it can grow quite nicely! 

While there are several important things to consider about this hardy plant before bringing one home—including its light requirements and water needs—I want to focus on the speed at which these plants grow. 

In this blog post, we will explore snake plant growth rates and some tips that could make all the difference in keeping yours thriving!

a picture that reads how fast does a snake plant grow showing a picture of a potted snake plant in a brown pot

What is a Snake Plant and What Makes it Special 

Meet the snake plant, also known as Sansevieria trifasciata, a stunning plant that is as beautiful as it is hardy. This type of snake plant has sword-like leaves with a yellow stripe running through the center, making it a unique choice for any garden or indoor space. 

With a history dating back to ancient Greece, this plant has stood the test of time and remains an ideal choice for any plant lover, no matter their level of experience. 

You might not realize that there are actually over 70 different species of this hardy plant. While the species of snake plant does not necessarily affect its growth, it can contribute to differences in size, color, and pattern of the leaves. 

Some common indoor varieties include the ever-popular “mother-in-law’s tongue” with its tall, spiky leaf shape, the smaller-bodied “laurentii” with its striking yellow borders, and the rarer “moonshine” with its gray-green leaves. 

What makes this plant truly special is its ability to thrive in low light and minimal water, making it the perfect choice for those looking for a low-maintenance yet eye-catching addition to their home or office.

Not to mention this plant has air purifying abilities, which makes it beneficial to any home or office space!

How Fast Does a Snake Plant Grow?

The fascinating snake plant is one of those low-maintenance plants that can survive even with a brown thumb. If you’re wondering about the growth of your snake plant, you’re not alone. How fast do snake plants grow? 

Well, the growth rate of snake plants depends on various conditions, such as climate, soil, and water. Under optimal conditions, snake plants can grow up to 2-3 feet high and 2-3 inches wide per year. 

The general rule for snake plants is that they take about two to five years to reach full maturity. It’s important to note that the definition of plant maturity can vary depending on the specific plant and the goals of the grower. 

Generally speaking, plant maturity refers to when a plant reaches its final size and has reached its full reproductive potential. When it comes to snake plants, you can expect to start seeing new shoots and growth within the first year, but it may take some time before the plant reaches its full potential.

Snake plants are not aggressive growers and will spread slowly over time. Snake plants won’t take over your home in a hurry.

Compared to other houseplants, snake plants are known for their slow growth rate, but this doesn’t make them any less valuable. In fact, their growth rate is more consistent, meaning less risk of outgrowing their pot too soon. These sturdy plants are patient, taking their time to grow, but it’s worth the wait. 

Average Speed Of Growth For Snake Plant

The growth cycle of snake plants can be divided into three stages: initial, development, and maturation. 

During the initial stage, the plant produces new leaves and establishes its root system. The plant’s root system begins to establish itself in the soil, forming a robust root ball that will provide support for the plant as it continues to grow. The initial stage can last from a few weeks to a few months.

The development stage is marked by more vigorous growth and the emergence of additional shoots. The new shoots mature and grow taller, often developing new shoots of their own. The development stage can last up to a year or more.

Finally, during the maturation stage, the plant reaches its full size and may even produce beautiful flowers. As we move into the maturation stage, we may wonder if snake plants ever produce flowers. 

The answer is yes, although it is relatively rare. At the end of its lifecycle, a mature snake plant can produce delicate white or greenish flowers, before starting the cycle again. This stage can last several years.

Understanding these stages and the timing involved can help snake plant owners anticipate changes and keep their plants healthy.

A Note About Snake Plants and Growth Outside

If you’re curious about growing snake plants outside, you’ll be happy to know that they can do quite well in the great outdoors. When it comes to growth rate, snake plants are definitely slow and steady. 

While they won’t shoot up like a weed, they do tend to grow reasonably consistently once they’re established. Depending on the conditions (such as the amount of light and water they receive), you can expect your snake plant to grow one to three new leaves per year. 

Factors That Affect The Growth Rate Of Snake Plant 

  • Light 

Snake plants prefer bright, indirect light and can even tolerate some shade.

  • Water 

Snake plants are drought-tolerant and prefer to be slightly under-watered rather than over-watered. 

  • Soil 

Soil type and quality are crucial – well-draining soil with a good mix of nutrients is ideal. There is a difference between garden soil and potting mix if you’re wondering.

  • Temperature 

They prefer warm temperatures and can suffer in colder environments. You can expect growth to slow down a bit during the winter months, but if you keep your plant in a warm and bright area, it should still make some progress

Tips to Maximize Your Snake Plant’s Growth 

If you’re a proud owner of a snake plant, you know that they can be low-maintenance and adaptable to a variety of environments. However, there are some tips and tricks you can use to boost your snake plant and help it grow even faster and more efficiently. 

One of the best things you can do is ensure that your plant is receiving the right amount of sunlight. Snake plants do well in both low and bright light conditions, but too little light can cause slow growth while too much can lead to burnt leaves. For these indoor plants, consider placing your snake plant in your bedroom or a quiet corner of your living room. Alternatively, if you have a kitchen with plenty of natural light, your snake plant will thrive there as well. You might even consider placing this versatile plant on a bookshelf.

Another helpful practice is to make sure your plant is potted in well-draining soil and that you’re not overwatering. 

Establishing a regular watering routine is essential, as overwatering or underwatering can stunt growth. Snake plants prefer to dry out between waterings, so make sure the top inch of the soil is dry before giving it a drink. 

Make sure to keep the plant at a room temperature between 60°F to 85°F for optimum growth. Avoid placing the plant in areas with drastic temperature changes, such as near windows or air conditioning units.

Common Problems With Slow-Growing Snake Plants

If you’re finding that your snake plant isn’t growing as quickly as it once was, here are the most common reasons or issues that could be at play. 

Root bound plants

One possible culprit is that your plant has become root-bound and is in need of a new pot. 

That means that the roots of the plant have grown so much that they’ve started to circle around the container, which can stunt the plant’s growth and make it appear unhealthy. 

Fixing a root bound snake plant is fairly simple. Repotting your plant in a larger container (be sure to get a pot with drainage holes)  with fresh soil mix can help to give its roots plenty of space to grow and spread out, allowing it to thrive once more.

Underwatering or Overwatering

Another potential issue is that you may be over or underwatering your plant. If you’re giving your snake plant too much excess water, it can lead to root rot and slow down growth considerably. On the other hand, if you’re not watering enough, the plant won’t have the resources it needs to thrive. 

To fix these issues, make sure you’re watering your snake plant only when the top inch or so of soil feels dry to the touch and make sure the pot has proper drainage. You can also try fertilizing with a balanced houseplant fertilizer every few months to give your snake plant the nutrients it needs to grow stronger and healthier. 

Pests and Diseases

And, of course, pests and diseases can also cause slow growth. These plants are susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases including spider mites, mealybugs, root rot, and fungal leaf spots and fungal disease.

There are solutions to these issues. Regularly inspecting the leaves and soil, keeping the plant clean, and using natural remedies such as neem oil can go a long way in preventing and treating these problems.  Immediately isolate the infected plant to prevent the spread of disease. Remove all dead or damaged leaves and use insecticides if necessary. 

Fortunately, these problems are all easy to diagnose and fix with a bit of know-how, so don’t worry too much if your snake plant seems to be dragging its heels a bit.

Undesirable Snake Plant Growth

While these slow-growing plants are generally low-maintenance, it’s not uncommon to face undesirable snake plant growth at some point.

One common problem is when the leaves start to droop or lean to one side. This is usually due to a lack of sufficient sunlight. Simply move your plant to a brighter location near a window. 

Another issue is yellowing or browning leaves. This is typically a sign of overwatering. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. 

If you’re looking to keep your snake plant smaller, there are a few options to consider. One method is to limit the amount of water and fertilizer you give your plant. Over watering and over fertilizing can cause your snake plant to grow rapidly, so by cutting back on those two things, you may be able to slow down growth. 

Another option is to simply cut off new growth when it appears. By trimming back the leaves, you can keep your plant at a more manageable size. 

Final Thoughts on Growing Snake Plants 

Snake plants are a slow-growing but resilient species that can be broken down into three distinct stages of growth. 

The best way to maximize the healthy growth and speed of your snake plant’s, it is important to provide it with bright indirect light, water it only when the top inch of soil is dry, pot it in well draining soil with adequate nutrients, and keep the temperature consistent. 

There are also some common issues to watch out for such as root bound plants, underwatering or overwatering, and pests and diseases. By understanding these challenges and following the tips provided above, you can easily maximize your snake plant’s growth rate! 

Growing a snake plant is an exciting journey of watching a small plant grow and transform into a larger, more beautiful specimen. These are one the easiest houseplants to own and although they can be slow growers, they make a good choice. With the right snake plant care and attention, your plant can be thriving in no time! 

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