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Growing plants in pots is an ideal solution for mosquito pest control, and as a plant lover, I have always been fascinated by the idea. One of the best plants to use for this purpose is lemongrass. Not only does it act as a natural repellent to mosquitoes but it also has a wonderful aroma and looks great in any garden!

It’s easy to take care of, too—it requires just enough water and sunlight without needing too much attention. Plus, since it’s a perennial herb there are no worries about having to buy new plants every year.

For those looking for an effective way to keep mosquitoes away without resorting to chemical solutions, growing lemongrass in pots is definitely worth considering. This fragrant herb can make any garden look beautiful while also keeping pests at bay!

Here is a easy guide on how to use lemongrass in pots for mosquitoes and start enjoying your outdoor and living spaces again, mosquito-free.

Does Lemongrass Plant Repel Mosquitoes?

Mosquito repelling properties of certain plants have been known for centuries and lemongrass is no exception. Lemongrass is a type of grassy plant that is native to tropical and sub-tropical climates, including parts of Asia and Africa. It is a favorite amongst home gardeners because lemongrass’s highly fragrant leaves are believed to repel mosquitoes and other insects.

Lemongrass has long, thin blades of grass that reach heights of up to 2 feet or more, and its leaves have a distinct citrus smell when rubbed or crushed. In addition to repelling mosquitoes, many gardeners also use the plant for its medicinal properties as an herbal tea or added to food. The oil from lemongrass can be used aromatically for its calming effect.

A Note About Citronella Vs Lemongrass For Mosquito

Citronella and lemongrass are two of the most popular plants used by home gardeners to help control mosquito pests. Both plants contain natural oils which can act as a natural repellent when released into the air.

Citronella is a grassy-smelling plant that grows best in warm, humid climates. It is often used as an ingredient in candles and sprays, and when burned or applied directly to the skin can help repel mosquitoes. Citronella is also easy to maintain, requiring minimal watering and care.

Lemongrass is another plant with mosquito repellent properties. It has a citrus scent and grows best in warm, sunny areas with well-draining soil. Lemongrass has long been used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, but it can also act as an effective pest deterrent when planted near windows or doors.

When deciding between citronella and lemongrass for mosquito pest control in your home garden, it’s important to consider factors such as climate, soil type, available sunlight, and how much maintenance you’re willing to put into caring for the plants. In general, both plants offer similar levels of protection from mosquitoes but may require different growing conditions to thrive.

How to Grow Lemongrass in Pots For Mosquitoes

Choosing the Right Pot Size and Soil Type:

The pot size for growing lemongrass should be at least 8-10 inches deep, with a diameter of 6-8 inches. The best soil type for lemongrass is a mixture of equal parts peat moss, compost, and perlite/vermiculite or coarse sand. This soil should be well drained and lightly moist but not soggy.

Planting the Seedlings:

Once you have your pot filled with soil, add a few inches of mulch (like shredded leaves) to help keep the soil moist until the seedlings germinate. Then place two to three seeds in each pot about 1/4 inch under the surface of the soil. Make sure that there is enough space between each seedling for them to grow without crowding each other out. Water them frequently during the first few weeks after planting as this will help them develop strong root systems.

If you want to skip the seedling stage entirely, you can opt to buy lemongrass plants from your local nursery or online.

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Watering and Fertilizing:

Lemongrass needs plenty of water throughout its growing season (spring through fall). Be careful not to over-water it, though – let the top inch or two of soil dry out between waterings, then give it a good soaking once every 7-10 days. If you want to give your lemongrass an extra boost, try fertilizing it every month or so with a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 mixed according to package directions.

Lemongrass as a Mosquito Repellent

Lemongrass contains citronella, which has long been known to be a natural mosquito repellent. The powerful combination of citronella and geraniol, two chemicals compounds present in lemongrass, are known to repel mosquitoes effectively. Citronella has been used as a natural insect repellent for centuries because of its strong citrusy aroma that effectively masks the smell of humans and other mammals, making it difficult for mosquitoes to locate us.

Geraniol is also known to be a strong insecticide, with some studies showing it can even have the same effect as DEET-based products.

Lemongrass’s effectiveness as a mosquito repellent can last up to 6-8 weeks if kept healthy and taken care of properly. You’ll need to frequently replace old stalks with new ones for maximum protection against mosquitoes.

Additionally, lemongrass has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which can help keep your skin healthy and reduce inflammation caused by bug bites. Planting some of this aromatic herb around your home’s perimeter can create an effective barrier against unwanted bugs from entering your personal space.

How to Use Lemongrass for Mosquitoes Control

Place pots of lemongrass near windows and doors so that the fragrance will deter mosquitoes from entering your home. You can also put them on decks, patios and balconies that are open to the outside; this will help to keep pesky mosquitoes away while you’re enjoying some outdoor time.

Placing potted lemongrass plants close to seating areas where people congregate, like a picnic table or hammock, will make it more effective at warding off mosquitoes.

It’s also a great idea to include other mosquito-repelling plants near the potted lemongrass, such as citronella and lavender.

Wear protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts and pants when handling the plant, as the oils from the stalks can cause skin irritation. Also, be sure to keep the pot away from children and animals because ingesting any part of the plant can lead to adverse reactions.

For those with allergies or sensitive skin, they should avoid contact with lemongrass altogether. If planting lemongrass in pots in outdoors in areas frequented by wildlife, be aware that some species may be attracted by its scent and could possibly disturb neighboring gardens or flowerbeds.

a picture of lemongrass in pots and another picture of lemongrass

Final Thoughts on Lemongrass As A Natural Mosquito Repellent

Growing lemongrass in pots is an effective and simple way to help control mosquitoes. It requires minimal effort and resources while offering significant benefits.

The aromatic oils present in the plant naturally repel insects, which effectively reduces the mosquito population in the surrounding area. Additionally, lemongrass can be planted indoors or outdoors, making it convenient for anyone to incorporate this natural pest repellent into their garden or landscape.

With its many benefits, growing lemongrass in pots is a great choice for those looking to add a natural mosquito deterrent to their environment.


How much lemongrass do you need to repel mosquitoes?

You will need to plant at least 4-5 stalks of lemongrass in a large pot for it to be effective in repelling mosquitoes. For home gardeners, you can opt to purchase pre-grown lemongrass from a local nursery or online if you dont want to start from seedlings. Plant the lemongrass in a pot with loose, well-draining soil and make sure the pot has good drainage. Water the lemongrass regularly and make sure that it doesn’t get too dry or too wet. If you live in a colder climate, you may need to bring the potted lemongrass indoors during winter months. Lemongrass requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day, so be sure to place it in an area where it receives plenty of sunlight.

How far does lemongrass repel mosquitoes?

Lemongrass has been found to effectively repel mosquitoes in an area of up to 6 feet around the plant. For gardeners looking to have or grow lemongrass in pots, this means that it should be able to provide some level of protection from mosquitoes within a 6-foot radius.

What difference does it make if I use dry lemongrass vs fresh lemongrass?

Using dry lemongrass to repel mosquitoes will likely be less effective than using fresh lemongrass. Dry lemongrass has been dried out and may not contain as much of the active ingredients, such as citronella, that make it an effective repellent. Fresh lemongrass has more of these active ingredients and also releases a stronger smell which is thought to be more effective at deterring mosquitoes.

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